After a rough first year in Florida, I wanted to find a school where I would be closer to my family and friends, a school I could run at, and ultimately, I wanted to find a school I knew that I would be happy spending the next 3 years of my life at.
The University of La Verne was a school that I had applied to during my senior year of high school because the coach was very interested in having me on the team. I had visited once and loved the feeling I got when I stepped on campus; it was small enough that it wasn't overwhelming, the coach seemed enthusiastic about what he was doing and the direction the team was heading, and he genuinely expressed interest in my potential as a runner and as a person. From the brief period of time that I had spent with Coach Atwood, I knew that he wanted me to be successful and happy, regardless of whether or not La Verne was the place where I would find that perfect fit. I was fortunate to have met some of the members of the cross country team and they let me know that I was welcome; I walked away from that visit knowing that I could potentially see myself attending The University of La Verne.
In the end, it came down to a few schools and I chose Florida Southern. It was an experience and while Florida Southern didn't work out for me, I wouldn't do anything differently if I had the opportunity. More than anything, the year I spent in Florida helped me grow up; I learned to be independent. I am grateful for the opportunity I was given and I know that I made some memories in Florida that I will cherish forever.
In less than two weeks, I will be starting over at The University of La Verne and I am more than ready for what lies ahead. I can't wait for a fresh start; a fresh start to prove myself athletically and academically, and a fresh start to meet new people and experience new things. I know that I will have a great sophomore cross country season because I have been consistent and put in the hard work and mileage necessary to be successful.
A lot of people have asked me why I am running for a Division 3 school when I am capable of running for a Division 1 or 2 school. While some people rely on the label of a Division 1 school to justify their athletic abilities, I based my decision off of happiness and long term success. I know that if I am running for a coach that cares about me, and I have a team that I can count on, I will do well. I am proud to be a Division 3 runner!
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