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"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing."
-Muhammad Ali

Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Running Journey Continued

I spent my freshman year at Florida Southern College. Although I wasn't happy being a part of the xc/track team and being so far from home, I really enjoyed the school and my sorority. It was a gorgeous school.

Crescent Cruise with Matt :)

Eta Beta Chapter/Founding Sisters

Alyssa and I

The roommate Kass and I

Gamma Phi Beta Suite at FSC

Lake Hollingsworth
Fountain outside of Spivey (Freshman Dorms)

Water Dome (It was a 10,000 dollar fine if you jumped in it!)

Florida Southern College

After a year in Florida, I decided to transfer to the University of La Verne. I couldn't be happier with the decision I made. I love my teammates and coaches and I am so grateful to be close enough to home so that I can see my family and friends all the time. I am going into my second year at La Verne and I cannot wait to see what this year holds in store for me!

La Verne XC Hootenanny 2011

Walnut Creek Running Adventure with Micaela and Andrea

Syd and I before the LMFAO concert :)

SCIAC Track Championships at Pomona Pitzer

Coach Mike and Coach Josh

Making peanut butter cookies with the boys

NCAA Division 3 Regionals in Oregon

Bring it on junior year!

My Running Journey in Pictures

My best friend Bre and I were hanging out the other day and discussing our blogs. While I enjoy blogging about running I also realize that people are getting sick of reading solely about my races and training. So I think I am going to try something new: I am going to incorporate fun blogs from time to time documenting anything that pertains to running or that I find of interest. I thought I would start by showing you my running career in pictures. So in a nutshell, this has been the past 6 years of my life. Let me know what you think of the new blog idea!

It all started freshman year. I had been playing soccer competitively all my life and after being denied varsity my freshman year of high school, I finally decided to go out for track and field after much persuasion from Coach Soles (track/xc coach at my school). I loved track so much and realized it was something I was pretty good at so I decided to give cross country a shot.

I love my high school team and all the memories we created. We got to race in the coolest places and we had so much fun kicking everyone's butt in the process. :)

Bass Lake XC Camp

Manhattan XC Invite at Van Courtland Park, NY

Nike Cross Nationals in Oregon

Woodward Park in Fresno California for the state meet and Mt. Sac

Malibu XC Camp

And not to forget other memories and high school races...

Varsity 4xmile at Gahr Relays and a pep talk from Coach Soles

Southwestern League Champions

Woodbridge Girls Sweepstakes Race

Mt. Sac Invitational Junior Year

Buena Park XC Meet with Kaity (We both set a personal record...hence the "pr")

As senior year drew to a close, I had a big choice to make. I knew I wanted to run in college so I started to do my research and contact college coaches. I didn't think I wanted to go out of state until I made a visit to Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Florida. I ended up transferring after my freshman year of college because it was too far and I knew I wasn't happy. However, it was a great experience and I made some friends that I still keep in contact with.
