All we could do after a crazy and disappointing day was smile...so that is exactly what we did. I love my teammates!

And now for all of the updates. We opened our season at the Fullerton Opener held at Carbon Canyon Regional Park. They decided to change the course up this year and unfortunately, the new course consisted of 2k loops around the thick grass. Unfortunate, but I knew that I would suck it up and give it my all. I have been experimenting with this new strategy of opening up with a controlled first mile and then picking it up from there. I struggled to remain calm and the hardest part was being okay with not being in the front of the pack. I followed the plan however and came through the mile a second off of my intended goal pace. The race felt long and painful. And I spent the next few miles trying to play catch up which was kind of fun. I had no kick which wasn't surprising but I was hoping I would at least have a little something left in the tank considering my new race strategy. I finished in 47th place out of approximately 215 girls and my time was the farthest thing from satisfactory. However, all the times were slow that day because of the course change-up and there was no way to compare the times this year from last year.
Now let's fast forward to the second race of the season at UC Irvine. I can say with confidence that it is a day that I will never forget. The week leading up to the race, I was nervous. I had a very disappointing mile repeat workout on Wednesday and I felt like I didn't have much confidence approaching the race. Similar to the Fullerton opener, I was hoping to blow my time from last cross country season out of the water. Driving to the race on Saturday, we notice that the weather is cold and overcast. We all make the comment about the perfect weather, getting excited to race our only 5k of the season. As we get to UCI, we notice that the sky drastically takes a turn for the worse. A trip to the bathroom sends us all running for cover as a lightning bolt hits the ground and thunder violently follows. We run back to the cover of the parking structure and Coach tells us that the race will be postponed due to the lightning. At least 10 laps in the parking structure pass by before we decide to head up to the field to complete our warm-up drills. As we are running up to the field, we notice that all of the teams in our race have already sprawled out across the starting line. Panic washes over us, along with the realization that our race is about to go off and we are not even close to being ready. The gun goes off before we have time to decide what to do. I did the first thing that came to mind. The army of runners pass by us and I am rushing to throw my warm-ups off. At about the middle of the pack, I decide to "jump" in the race and go for it. Micaela and Andrea chaotically chased after me and we were off. We raced a solid mile before Coach pulled us out. All I can say is that at least I picked a good spot in the race to jump in; Pomona Pitzer girls surrounded me on all sides and a few Oxy girls also joined.
Moral of the story is that we missed our race. The race started on time and we didn't make it because we were under the impression that the race would be postponed due to thunder and lightning. In the 6 years that I have been running, I have never missed a race. While I was upset and disappointed that I didn't have a chance to compete, I also knew that it was an experience I would never forget. I learned that our lack of communication with the officials is the reason why we missed the race. So for future reference, if ever there is a confusion or misunderstanding, the best option is to go to the race official and demand clarification. We finished out the day with a long run and had a great time cheering on our boys. They all did an amazing job and I was very proud of them for succeeding despite the odds and the disastrous beginning to the day.
I am looking forward to the next race, whether it be at UCR this coming weekend or at Pomona-Pitzer in a few weeks. No matter what, I am going to be ready to run fast! :)
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