Pasta Party at Coach Erin's House :)

La Verne XC Women's Team after the race
Sunday came and after spending the morning with my dad getting coffee, as per our usual routine, I got a call from Coach Mike. Coach Mike mentioned the idea of racing the 5k at UCR the following weekend and wanted to know my thoughts. I was ecstatic at the thought; I would get to race my 5k as planned and I knew that it would be a worthwhile performance because I felt confident and prepared. Coach warned me that it was only up in the air at that point in time, however, he would do his best to get the girls into the race.
Turns out, we got to race our 5k after all. :) I managed to set a new personal record in cross country by over 14 seconds and I couldn't have been more thrilled. Okay, I take that back; I probably would have surpassed my level of ecstasy if I had beaten a few more CMS and Redlands girls. Overall, it was a successful race for me and my teammates. And I had a fun Saturday spending time with my cross country girls; this includes giving a random host at Mimi's Cafe our number...or Sydney's number that is. (FYI: He still hasn't called but it will happen eventually)
As I fast-forward to this weekend's race, Pomona-Pitzer better be ready because La Verne cross country has high expectations for tomorrow and there will be no holding back or missed opportunities. :)